a picture of a man on television screen Delivering Death Notifications course
eLearning Learning
May 1, 2020

Four Tips for Integrating Video Interviews in Training

Video interviews can be an effective approach to reaching your learning audience.

Here is an example of how we used interviews in an online learning experience we created.

In the Responding to Veterans in Crisis course for Law Enforcement Officers, the original in-classroom training featured a panel of veterans and police officers who shared their experiences with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and returning home after active military duty. When asked to create an online version of this training, the d’Vinci team was challenged to add these additional voices to a multi-module eLearning course.

Video interviews with several of the panelists served as the solution to not only create an emotional connection with the law enforcement audience, but as a way to hear about practical application of response techniques. The first module started with an emotional story of one veteran’s experience to grab attention. We continued to weave video throughout the online course as we featured veteran law enforcement officers sharing their experiences and recommendations as a way to introduce new content in the modules and reinforce learning points.

In this example, we used video-interviews to drive the story and enhance the online learning experience.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind before you add video interviews to your next online experience.

  1. Crafting video interviews starts with identifying learning objectives. Write questions that will yield responses that support those objectives.
  2. A preliminary phone or in-person interview helps to test the strength of your interview questions. It will also help you to start to identify how you want to incorporate the responses within the context of the learning program.
  3. Working with a talented video production team aids in creating a positive experience for the interviewees and the polished and professional end result of your edited videos.
  4. It's important to work with your interviewees and confirm their comfort level with being on camera early.

What training or educational experiences are you looking to recreate in an online environment? Have you considered video interviews? Take a look at few of our other examples where video interviews made an impact on the learning experience.

See Related Examples:

Learn more about how d'Vinci uses video and animation in learning.

Jenny Kerwin

By Jenny Kerwin, Client Strategy Manager

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d'Vinci Interactive is an award-winning comprehensive learning solutions provider for corporate, government, medical, non-profit, and K-12 target markets.

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