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eLearning Learning
July 11, 2024

Learning Platform Security and Privacy Updates are Essential for Long-Term Success

In the fast-paced world of digital education where innovation, user experience, and learner engagement take center stage, there's a lesser-known aspect of best practices that often goes unnoticed: regular updates to LMS and educational website servers and application code. 

These updates play a critical role in ensuring security, performance, compliance, and future enhancements of learning management systems (LMS), learning platforms, and educational websites.

Understanding the Challenges of Security and Privacy

The selection of an eLearning development partner should involve an inquiry about their security and privacy posture to get a sense of their level of maturity as it relates to routine software patching and system audits. Before we delve into the solutions, let's address the challenges that many learning and development leaders face when it comes to budgeting for routine updates:

  1. Perceived Lack of Immediate Value: Organizations may prioritize visible changes over backend maintenance, questioning the benefits of investing in updates that don't result in immediate enhancements.
  2. Cost Concerns: Tight budgets or competing priorities may lead clients to view maintenance activities as additional expenses rather than long-term investments.
  3. Limited Understanding of Technical Complexity: Organizations lacking technical expertise may underestimate the importance of updates and the risks associated with outdated code.
  4. Fear of Disruption: Concerns about system downtime or disruptions may discourage clients from applying updates, fearing temporary impacts on user access or functionality.
  5. Perception of Stability: Organizations may believe their existing systems are stable, underestimating the proactive nature of patching for long-term stability and security.
  6. Short-Term Focus: Short-term priorities often overshadow long-term maintenance and sustainability, relegating updates to a lower priority.

The Key Message: Why Technical Updates Matter

Updates are not mere technical chores; they ensure website vitality and resilience in the face of evolving threats and vulnerabilities. Here's why they matter:

  1. Enhanced Security: Regular updates fortify learning platforms against security vulnerabilities and cyber threats, safeguarding sensitive data from breaches and unauthorized access. When users are confident that privacy and security are being are proactively addressed, they are more likely to be satisfied with your product.
  2. Improved Performance and Reliability: Optimizations and bug fixes in updates translate to faster response times, smoother user experiences, and greater uptime, ensuring uninterrupted access to educational resources and improved learner engagement. Unbroken operation results in improved productivity, increased completion rates, and an overall reduction in end-user support costs. As an added benefit, websites that perform well typically rank higher in terms of search engine optimization (SEO).
  3. Compliance with Regulations and Standards: Adhering to regulatory requirements like GDPR and addressing accessibility issues through routine updates can mitigate legal risks and protect the reputation of educational institutions. It is always more costly and disruptive to address issues discovered and brought forth by end-users so the up-front attention to compliance is worth the effort.
  4. Mitigation of Compatibility Issues: Server and code updates address compatibility issues with modern devices and software, ensuring seamless accessibility and functionality across diverse user bases. Keeping pace with code updates and bug fixes contributes to an overall improved user interface/user experience (UI/X) and prevents coursework disruption. Websites that are kept up to date are more likely to incorporate modern accessibility features and be compliant with Section 508 and WCAG standards.
  5. Support for Scalability and Growth: A robust foundation provided by frequent patching facilitates scalability, enabling learning platforms to accommodate growing user bases and evolving learning needs. An increased user base supports a more accurate and diverse population from which to derive meaningful KPIs for ongoing success in your learning program.
  6. Long-Term Cost Savings: Though updates may entail upfront costs, they prevent costly breaches, system failures, and legal penalties, delivering substantial long-term savings. Funding saved through persistent maintenance can be redirected to other areas such as content development, user learning analysis, and visual/interactive updates.

The Impact on Learning Platform Security and Performance

In conclusion, as learning and development leaders, it's imperative to advocate for proactive maintenance and prioritize updates for the longevity of the online infrastructure that delivers training content. While website updates may not awe visitors like new features, their impact on the security, performance, and sustainability of educational websites is critical to ensure that learning platforms thrive in the face of constant change and innovation. By spreading awareness about the importance of this work and insisting on proactive measures from vendors, you can safeguard the integrity and effectiveness of your digital education program.

Eric McDonald

By Eric McDonald, Director, Learning Technology

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d'Vinci Interactive is an award-winning comprehensive learning solutions provider for corporate, government, medical, non-profit, and K-12 target markets.

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