Protecting Human Research Participants Online Training
Online Course Teaches
Safe Human Participation in Federally Funded Research
PHRP Online Training, Inc. selected d’Vinci to design, build, and launch an exciting new online educational course product that provides certification in human subjects’ protection required for individuals who design and conduct federally funded research. d’Vinci provided UI/UX website design for the PHRP public-facing product pages and designed new functionality that provides oversight and management features to institutional customers who wish to manage their learners. The PHRP eLearning course was designed to be visually engaging and responsive and be accessed seamlessly across desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. Users are engaged by a variety of interaction types embedded within the course including an interactive glossary.
The PHRP web application supports e-commerce transactions, tracks learner progress, and provides administrator access to learning records, user accounts, financial records, and reports. CME/CEU credits are made available for users via an API integration with multiple accreditation providers. d’Vinci provides ongoing technical hosting, maintenance, and end user support for PHRP Online Training’s over 50,000 individual users and hundreds of institutional subscribers. d’Vinci’s educational product design services have been instrumental to the successful of PHRP Online Training.