Say Something Blended Learning Program
Engaging Students to Stay Safe
d’Vinci worked with Sandy Hook Promise to create a flexible, blended learning program for grades K-5 to empower them to be Upstanders and say something to a Trusted Adult when they recognize warning signs. We created four animated videos, a slide show, and interactive Storyline modules that integrate into Sandy Hook Promise’s LMS. The animated series helps students recognize warning signs of students who may be at risk of hurting themselves or others. Students learn to talk to a Trusted Adult, and develop a community of Upstanders who look out for one another.
d'Vinci also created the Say Something online educational experience for older students in grades 5-12. Through educational videos, students learn how they can protect themselves, their classmates and their community from shootings, violence, suicide and other harmful acts simply by “saying something” to a trusted adult or call 911. Students learn to look for warning signs and threats, especially in social media.
Related Work: Start With Hello
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